Weather App API

Project Overview

Technologies Used




Technical Aspects

OpenWeatherMap API


is an online service that provides weather data. I made interaction with their API to receive the required information you're looking for and provide you with your exact match (live weather information, humidity percentage and description of the weather case).

JavaScript Geolocation


with a simple click on "Use my own location", JavaScript runs geolocation to get the current location of the user, and that will happen only in case the user confirms the permission of the website to use it.

In case the user confirmed it, a search will be run automatically about the current user's location without entering any search details, and in case he didn't accept the permission an error message will show up.

Spelling & Typos Correction


in case a user made a typo in his search, for example typed "sydneyy" instead of "sydney", an error message will show up that he had a typo, but he got nothing to worry about becauase the website corrected his typos.

Using google auto suggestions "Showing results for x", every search the user runs goes through "exact match" in google, and in case there wasn't found an exact math, which means a typo, the typo will be corrected automatically, and afterwards the search will run with the right details the user intended to search.

In simple words, the website corrects the user typos and takes care of providing him the right information also in case the user haven't corrected himself.

Google Custom Search


every search imports a picture from Google Custom Search according to the location the user searched for, and after the weather information loaded, that picture from google will show up as background behind the search.

Pexels API


is an international, free-to-use website & service for sharing photos. I used their API to have fallback in case Google Custom Search doesn't work, so a background location image will be imported from Pexels API instead of Google Custom Search.



you have an option to make search in any existing language, but the result you'll recieve will always be in English.

Thank you for reading! 😊
Itay Shiff ©