Wikipedia Search API

Project Overview

Technologies Used





Technical Aspects

Wikipedia API


every word the user types in the search box gets auto-complete suggestions from existing articles from Wikipedia. By clicking on the search button, the website will provide the exact matches to the user while on the top the closest match to his search.

The information that is provided to the user is: the article name, brief article, picture & description, link "move to Wikipedia site" and an option to expand brief to read more.



there's an option to change the language of the search results (supporting 18 differnet languages). Changing the languages will change the search results to the langauge the user picked, and also the "auto-complete" suggestions in the search box.

Handling errors and improving UI interface


in case there was found results, an error message will show up to the user that less results were found than what he asked for, this will apply also when no results were found.

Every search, the pictures of every article with load in parallel and will show up only after they've been fully loaded. In case a picture wasn't found from Wikipedia API, the website will provide a "no picture found" to the same article.



using ng-animate (AngularJS) and CSS3 to achieve beautiful and lovely experience for the user.

Responsive Design


working in any sort of environment, both in phones and computers.

Thank you for reading! 😊
Itay Shiff ©